Inside View: How Horses Heal Us Energetically
Updated: Jan 29, 2019
Horses healing us is not news...but HOW do they do it? I'm learning the multiple ways. They have special talents, just like human healers. They don't need to physically touch us, but sometimes they do. For example, three different horses "worked on" me, sweeping me with their muzzle, walking away and yawning then repeating. I was told they were clearing the 1st level of my aura (aka energy field) - the emotional level.
Honey Bee
clarified the picture further:
as she pressed her muzzle against my neck, kicking the wall if I walked away: “I'm clearing the 4th level of your aura. I had to research this - the Astral layer -and here’s what I discovered:
Your Astral layer or Fourth Layer of your Aura is associated with areas of expression on a physical, emotional and mental level and is related to your Fourth (Heart) Chakra. It is the layer of love both specific and universal, and the first of the spiritual layers. This astral layer is a very important part of your energy body as it connects you with higher dimensions of reality. It is called the bridge between the denser or lower vibrations of the physical plane and the finer or higher vibrations of the spiritual planes. Virtually all healing energy comes through the Astral layer.

Finally, Hugo shed light on how horses work from a distance:
"I astral travel all the time: I help elevate other horses’ and humans' energy and help with physical issues, whatever is needed. I leave my body and astral travel to do the work, then hop back in. Sometimes, though, when I get back in my body there’s an adjustment factor. Thud. I land hard and bungle, and I’m a bit clumsy for a while. We always have body problems and aches if we astral travel. But massage, yummy! That helps—it feels so good!"

Experience the world of animal consciousness in We Walk Beside You. Available in paperback or Kindle version on Amazon. Preview the book here:
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