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A Wake Up Call from Therapy Horses

Writer's picture: Sandra MendelsonSandra Mendelson

Updated: Aug 10, 2024

Despite all we know (in the world of well-meaning humans), animals still have so much to teach us, especially about our blind spots. In my experience, no animals are more committed to our growth and awakening -even at their own expense - than horses, especially those on the front line of healing: therapy horses. When these horses start acting out, it is for a good reason and not necessarily because they need a vet or they're boycotting their job.

The following, I hope, will catch the eye of some of those who do this kind of work, so they remember how critical their own internal state is to the healing of those who come for equine therapy for their physical and emotional traumas, disabilities and challenges.

I recently paid my first visit to an equine therapy facility. As I was listening to one horse - who has recently been kicking his stall so much that he tore up his hocks- two other horses across the aisle began intensely kicking the walls of their stalls. The therapists watching said they knew these horses wanted very much to be heard. They were concerned that Quinn had been acting out lately and perhaps didn't want to do therapy work anymore. Unexpectedly, Quinn became so agitated that he yanked his head through the bars of his stall, bending them into an open circle and cutting the sides of his face in several places.

When I tuned into him, this is what he had to say:


“I’m ready to explode!

You’ve put the wrong people in charge.

It isn’t enough to mean well: 

Your emotional stuff that you do not handle – especially fears – goes onto us and the people who come here.  You cannot hide behind the treatments you give us.

Your energy is the most important thing and you have not addressed it at all.

I am talking about one person. I can’t do this with her anymore.

I can no longer deal with her incessant mind chatter.  She worries about everything and tries to control it all.

I can’t concentrate on clearing out all the energy I take on from the people I am trying to help when she is rattling constantly.

I would never hurt her- but the severity of this situation has to be known – so I had to show you today [that’s why he bent the stall bars and hurt himself]. 

We will always risk hurting ourselves before ever hurting a human.

Please understand I’m not trying to create pain, but her lack of self awareness is too much.


[To other employees] : Please help. You will see a huge change in my behavior.

I am good at my work and I want to keep it up.  If you respect what I’m doing, I just need your support.


Me:  “Quinn, can you give us some suggestions for her and everyone else who works here and who comes here, to make things more effective and help the horses do their work?


Quinn: "Yes..

1.   You must acknowledge what you feel – and see your emotions as separate from you, passing through you BEFORE you come here for work.  If something hurts, put it in the ground.

2.   Put your hand on your heart before you enter the barn.  Remember we are heart beings and focus on your own heart.  You all keep forgetting that love is the greatest healer of them all. Remember that YOU are love.


3.   When you are working focus only on what you are doing…if the noise in your head comes up (it is very loud and we hear it all) just focus back on what you are doing. This is critical.


Thank you so much for listening.”


ANIMAL GUIDANCE FOR EACH DAY: We Walk Beside You Book 2: Animal Insights for Everyday Living

ENTER THE INNER LIVES OF OVER 50 SPECIES: Walk Beside You Book 1: Animal Messages for an Awakening World

MESSAGES FROM ANIMALS FOR CHILDREN (in rhyme): The Secrets of the Animals books for children 4-11 (books 1 and 2 available) (Barnes & Noble kids book 1) (Barnes & Noble kids book 2)

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