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  • Writer's pictureSandra Mendelson

What Horses Ask Of Us

Updated: Aug 11

They live in different countries and on different continents.

Their roles, jobs and circumstances vary widely.

But their messages- their requests of us - are strikingly the same. Horse after horse (at boarding barns and therapeutic centers I visit, or clients I connect with on the other side of the globe) asks humans for the same awareness, the same shift in behavior. The same thing we have not considered - or forgot long ago (way before we were born into this life).

As horses have told me countless times: the equine mission is to partner with humans in our awakening. That means becoming aware of the programming and the trauma that has shaped our beliefs, our perception of ourselves and the world, and our behavior for many generations. Including how we see and treat horses. (note: I am not talking about industry, I am referring to our personal relationships with horses).

Horses are so sensitive that they feel our thoughts and emotions and can point out even those we are unaware of because they run so deeply in our consciousness. But they always speak - not from a place of judgment - but from an understanding of what is needed for our wholeness.

As a very wise horse named Jono says: "The question isn’t how can you be more like us – it’s how can you be more like who you really are.  The mess you humans are in started so long ago that all of you alive now are doing some mighty heavy lifting.  .

We have faith in you: we see the glimmers of awareness, the private ‘aha’s’ across millions

Every break you take away from 'automatic living' helps you chip away at the clay around you.  We know each time that you shed a false belief or walk away from what hurts, limits or doesn’t serve your wholeness."

Horses continue to tell me that we are so stuck in our heads (especially when we ride) that we are like 'robots riding mechanical bulls.'

We treat our dogs like loving companions but horses are still tools because humans ride and groom them, give them a treat and a kiss and take off.

It does not even dawn on most horse "owners" that horses are asking them to spend time with them just doing nothing. In silence. Looking in their eyes and feeling instead of thinking.

They ask us to stop running. To sit in meditation with them. Begin to FEEL them as the incredible energy beings they are. Become aware of the sensation of the love and energy they constantly send us. Uncover our innate abilities to receive information from them without our 5 senses. (entering their world by using the intuitive part of ourselves that has been ignored by society for so long).

They repeatedly ask us to 'put away the saddle and the tack and the costume' and sit on their backs and drape ourselves over their neck and breathe - and even allow tears to flow.

They beg us for some quiet time with them in the barn (without blaring music and voices - even from the farrier)- and have even said 'This will really change the barn's energy and it will calm us down so we are more focused under saddle.'

And they tell us this over and over again:

"I can feel both parts of you battling for attention: your head and your heart. The head usually wins out of fear because its messages are black and white and definable; heart messages are 'squishy' and 'grey' and you are not used to hearing them so you are afraid to trust them most of the time.

"The things that would benefit all of us are about slowing down and calming our humans. A quiet short breathing time before riding and a reminder of the power of the heart, that we all respond to. It must be short and simple so the humans don't feel criticized or get overwhelmed.

"And we know this is challenging but you forget the power of softness: your volume and speed and tone when you speak to each other and to us. Our senses are much more acute than yours and you will see that if you slow and soften how you speak, you feel better and others listen more to what you have to say.

"Most importantly: you must tell humans to do these things because they will help us. That is the only chance that they might try this. They will not do it simply because it will benefit them. They still take themselves out of the picture."



We Walk Beside You Book 2:

Animal Insights for Everyday Living


Walk Beside You Book 1:

Animal Messages for an Awakening World

MESSAGES FROM ANIMALS FOR CHILDREN (in rhyme): The Secrets of the Animals books for children 4-11 (books 1 and 2 available) (Barnes & Noble kids book 1) (Barnes & Noble kids book 2)

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Sheila McLean
Sheila McLean
Aug 10
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Beautiful reminder to live through our hearts and not our heads.

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